Best Montessori Toys for 5-year-olds

montessori toys for 5 year old
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As your little one embarks on the journey of discovery and learning, choosing the right toys becomes crucial. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll discover 10 of the best Montessori toys tailored for 5-year-olds. These toys are not just playthings; they are tools designed to enhance cognitive, motor, and social skills in alignment with your child’s developmental needs.

Understanding Montessori Toys for 5-Year-Olds

Montessori toys for 5-year-olds focus on fostering creativity, independence, and cognitive skills. Examples include wooden building blocks, puzzles, sensory materials like sandpaper letters, and practical life tools. These toys encourage hands-on learning, problem-solving, and self-directed exploration, aligning with the Montessori philosophy to support holistic development in young children.

Best Montessori toys for 5-year-olds

Montessori toys are designed to encourage independent and creative play while promoting the development of various skills in children. Here are some Montessori-inspired toys that are suitable for 5-year-olds:

Puzzle Sets

Choose puzzles that involve problem-solving and fine motor skills. Look for puzzles with realistic images or those that represent everyday objects. Here is a puzzle set that introduces the basics of plants to kids through play.

Montessori puzzle set.

Price Range: $10- $14
Rating: 4.7.
Material: cards.

Montessori Bead Sequencing Set:

This set helps with counting, sequencing, and basic math skills. It typically includes colored beads and laces for different activities.

wooden laing beads

Price Range: $10- $17
Rating: 4.8.
Material: Wood.

Nature Exploration Kit:

Encourage outdoor exploration with a kit that includes a magnifying glass, binoculars, and a journal for documenting observations.

Price Range: $14- $20.
Rating: 4.4.
Material: plastic and paper.

Art Supplies:

Provide high-quality art materials such as colored pencils, watercolor paints, and sketchbooks to foster creativity.

Price Range: $5- $15
Rating: 4.7.
Material: Plastic case.

Pattern Blocks and Boards:

These sets involve arranging geometric shapes to complete patterns or pictures, promoting spatial awareness and fine motor skills.

Price Range: $15- $20.
Rating: 4.7.
Material: Wood.

Life Cycle Toys:

Choose toys that illustrate the life cycles of animals or plants, helping to teach biology concepts in a hands-on way.

The given toy is an amazing set to explore 4 life cycles in one toy.

Price Range: $13- $17.
Rating: 4.6.
Material: Wood.

Balance Board:

A balance board helps improve coordination and balance. It can be a fun way for kids to engage in physical activity indoors.

Price Range: $15- $25
Rating: 4.6.
Material: Wood.

Musical Instruments:

Instruments like a xylophone, tambourine, or maracas provide opportunities for exploring rhythm and musical expression.

Price Range: $30- $40
Rating: 4.8.
Material: Plastic.

Lacing Cards:

Lacing cards with various shapes and patterns help develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

Price Range: $20- $30.
Rating: 4.7.
Material: Wood & Fabric.

Geography Puzzle Maps:

Introduce world geography with puzzle maps that allow children to explore and learn about different countries and continents.

Price Range: $20- $25
Rating: 4.4.
Material: Cards

Math Beads and Counting Games:

Montessori math beads or counting games can make learning math concepts enjoyable and hands-on.

Price Range: $10- $15
Rating: 4.8.

Memory Games:

Simple memory card games with pictures or symbols can enhance concentration and memory skills.

Price Range: $10- $14
Rating: 4.8.
Material: cards

Developmental Milestones at Age 5

Developmental milestones at age 5 can vary, but generally, children around this age demonstrate significant growth and progress in various areas. It’s important to note that individual development can vary, and these milestones serve as general guidelines. Here are some typical developmental milestones for a 5-year-old:

Physical Development:

Gross Motor Skills:
  • Runs and jumps with coordination
  • Skips and hops on one foot.
  • Throws and catches a ball with some accuracy.
  • Rides a tricycle or bike with training wheels.

Fine Motor Skills:

  • Holds a pencil or crayon with a mature grip.
  • Copies simple shapes and letters.
  • Uses scissors to cut along a line.
  • Ties shoes, buttons, and zips up clothing independently.

Cognitive Development:

  • Recognizes and identifies basic shapes and colors.
  • Counts up to at least 10 objects.
  • Understands the concept of numbers and counting.
  • Begins to understand the concept of time (morning, afternoon, evening).
  • Shows an interest in books and may start to read simple words.

Social and Emotional Development:

  • Plays cooperatively with other children.
  • Shares toys and takes turns.
  • Shows empathy and understanding of others’ feelings.
  • Follows simple rules and routines.
  • Expresses a wide range of emotions verbally.

Language and Communication:

  • Speaks clearly and is understood by strangers.
  • Uses more complex sentences.
  • Tells simple stories and recounts events in order.
  • Asks and answers questions about a story or activity.
  • Vocabulary expands, and the child can use more varied words.

Self-Help Skills:

  • Dresses and undresses independently.
  • Brushes teeth and washes hands without much assistance.
  • Can use the toilet independently.
  • Takes responsibility for personal belongings.
  • Feeds themselves using utensils.

Safety Considerations

Size and Complexity:

Choose toys that are the right size and complexity for a 5-year-old’s developmental stage. Avoid toys with small parts that could pose a choking hazard or intricate mechanisms that may be difficult for them to handle safely.

Material Quality

 Opt for toys made from high-quality, non-toxic materials that are free from harmful chemicals. Ensure that paints and finishes are lead-free and safe for children.


Look for toys that are sturdy and well-constructed to withstand rough play. Avoid toys with sharp edges or loose parts that could cause injuries during normal use.


Investing in Montessori toys for your 5-year-old is an investment in their holistic development. Each carefully selected wooden toy contributes to cognitive, motor, and social growth, aligning with the principles of Montessori education. By incorporating these toys into your child’s playtime, you’re not just providing entertainment – you’re unlocking a world of learning adventures that will benefit them for years to come. Explore the provided affiliate links to discover where you can purchase these exceptional Montessori toys and embark on this exciting journey of discovery with your child.

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